Sardinia Berlin Festival 2023
Un’occasione imperdibile! Dopo più di quindici anni di assenza il nostro amatoPaolo Fresu torna a Berlino con il suo progetto più ambizioso in compagnia di uno dei più grandi pianisti Jazz al Mondo :Uri Caine. In una location anch’essa d eccezione: Il#BabylonBerlin. La serata sarà una festa per la Sardegna e gli amanti della nostra terra. Performances realizzate specificatamente per questa occasione ( Luciano Chessa & #stellanveloce) opere d’arte (Giovanni Casu) , e prodotti sardi a partire dalle 18.

The Sardisches Kulturzentrum Berlin is proud to present a special music event as part of its annual festival.
Due to high demand, we strongly recommend that you book your time slot tickets online early. The world-renowned jazz musicians, trumpeter Paolo Fresu (Sardinia) and pianist Uri Caine (USA), will perform in concert October 28th 2023 at 7:30 pm in the prestigious @babylonberlin – Rosa Luxemburg Strasse 30, in the heart of Berlin. Doors open at 6:00 pm when guests can enjoy regional specialties and wines as well as an exhibitionAt 6:50 pm: performance will be given by Berlin-based Sardinian artists: @luciano_chessa ( musician, performance artist and musicologist Stellan Veloce ( multi-instrumentalist and composer. Artwork by visual artist @giovanni_casu_studiolo (
Powered by: Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, Federazione dei Circoli Sardi in Germania, Istituto Fernando Santi. A big thanks to the for including our concert in their lineup!
Keep your eyes peeled because the screening schedule is just around the corner, and guess what? We’ll be there too!
Sponsored by:Italian Film Festival Berlin Mufflon Berlin Italian Market Berlin KUNST KRAFTWERK LEIPZIGCantina Sa DefenzaMezzaCantina BerlinRistorante Da Antonio BerlinRistorante Trattoria Del Corso